Species Slideshows
764+ species
Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge is home to 764+ different amphibian, bird, plant, mammal and reptile species. To directly access slideshows of some species from each classification, click on the respective photos on the right. Below, for each type of species, you can access a list that includes habitats, scientific names, facts and pictures of some species by using the respective hyperlinks below.
For a comprehensive species list.
For a slideshow of some species from all five classifications.
Amphibians and Reptiles (12 species)
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For an informative list that includes facts of some amphibian and reptile species.
Birds (269 species)
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For an informative list that includes facts of some bird species.
Fishes (45 species)
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For an informative list that includes facts of some fish species.
Mammals (27 species)
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For an informative list that includes facts of some mammal species.
Plants (400+ species)
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For an informative list that includes facts of some plants species.